8 days. 8 Straight blogs.
Charms and Jewels
(Behind the Curtain #1).
Napoleon and I walked up to Union Square (which really is never a good idea to begin with) because I was feeling the urge to window shop at one of my favorite stores.
I've been on this jewelry craze. I don't really just buy jewelry because it's pretty and what not, I actually buy, collect and it takes me FOREVER to decide on which ones I want to buy. (I mean hello, that's a lot of money being forked over.)
So I haven't bought jewelry in over 2 years. NOT ONCE PIECE! I can't believe it, not even my friends can believe it.
Jewelry is one of my "things", I suppose if I were to find a root somewhere it'd be from my Grandma (Mommyla) who's always been into it, taught me and has given some of my favorite pieces to this day. Not a lot of people know about it and I rarely ask for it as a present from my family unless I'm super specific, I mean I'm rather picky.
Last night the lady was talking about her charms. So before Napoleon and I headed out, I took out my charm bracelet. I started it when I was 16. There's so much stuff on it, and there's so much more that needs to go on it. I used to get at least 3 charms a year for it..till of course 2 years ago.
Charm bracelets, I think, is something every lady should have. It's like a little physical journey of your life, who you are and what you've been through.
Charms are after-all charming. :)
Maybe a day soon enough will allow me to get back to my charm bracelet....
Digging through my charms and jewels is what prompted my need to walk Napoleon over to ABC.
I don't even know where to begin.
So many effin' goodies I want. I can't choose. And I HAVE to choose. I'm on a tight budget.
So as Napoleon was getting ooooohssss, ahhhhs, awwwwws, gahhhhs, I was oogling and ahhing over the jewelry in front of me.
I love that store. It's a floor of independent jewelers, meaning...it has TONS of one of kind of pieces eep!
Okay I haven't decided and there's really no, none, 0, zip, point to this blog, only to just purely talk about the material things I'm lusting over right now.
So I decided to show pics!
(they are really more than this! ) womp womp

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